It’s that time of year again when Tabasco call for Britain’s best oyster openers to put their name forward for this year’s championship. The Tabasco British Oyster Opening Championship traditionally marks the start of the native oyster season and this year will be held on Monday 1st September at Bentley’s Oyster Bar and Grill, Swallow Street, London W1B 4DG. The aim of the championship is to find the fastest oyster opener or ‘shucker’ in Britain. The winner claims not only the title ‘Tabasco British Oyster Opener of the Year’, but also a trophy, a £250 cheque and a trip to Galway to represent Britain in the International Championship.
Contestants are required to open and display 30 native oysters as quickly as possible. Entries will be judged according to the Galway International Festival rules by a panel of seafood experts and chefs.
Applications are now open, so anyone interested in entering should contact Tess Robinson for further information as soon as
possible at:
Food Matters
Tel: 020 7371 6466,
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