Proceli are the proud winners of the Bread and Bread Mixes section in the prestigious Foods Matter Free-From Food Awards 2009.
The winning product, Complet Sliced Brown Rice Bread, won the award as the result of a dedicated tasting, involving a number of competitive products in this field. Procelli was chosen because it not only offered a superior taste, but also because it maintained all the characteristics expected in this highly demanding area of food production.
Complet is just one of over 35 high quality products that make up the Proceli range. These are manufactured in a controlled environment at our dedicated, state-of-the-art factory which only produces foodstuffs that are free from gluten and wheat, including codex wheat. This effectively prevents the possibility of cross-contamination. Longevity is another important factor in Proceli’s quality offering, as all its bread and bakery products have a five-month shelf life from their date of manufacture.
17 Proceli products are available on prescription. The whole range can be obtained via mail order and various products are available in selected Waitrose stores.
Proceli is imported into the UK by S.D. Parr & Co Ltd
Tel: 01226 713044
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