With advertising limitations preventing Bodyform’s Red.Fit feature film, which secured acclaim amongst the world’s media for its bold portrayal of blood, from reaching its target audience on TV – Bodyform is continuing in its mission to transform category norms with a brand new creative.
This latest move follows Bodyform’s renewed focus in 2016 to challenge societal barriers in the feminine care category. From encouraging more conversation around periods with its tongue-incheek Femojis petition to driving education around periods and exercise with Red.Fit, the new ad develops this ethos to instead focus on sanitary protection.
“Our 2016 campaign activity has already helped us to challenge some of the many taboos surrounding menstruation, with a view to transforming the way that women perceive periods in femcare advertising”, explains Marketing Director for Bodyform, Nicola Coronado.
“Because of this, Bodyform is quickly becoming known as a provocative brand that pushes boundaries – and we want to push this even further with our latest TV creative.”
Titled ‘Trapeze’, the brand’s latest TV spot juxtaposes a ‘stereotypical’ white leotard with the daring acrobatics of a real Trapeze artist. Shot from a first-person perspective, the creative builds on Bodyform’s Live Fearless brand positioning by following the gritty determination of a circus performer who doesn’t let her period hold her back.
The ad also features another ‘first’ for the category – an in situ product demonstration of a real sanitary pad being placed on underwear.
“Showing blood for the first time in our Red.Fit feature film really highlighted what else was currently missing from feminine care advertising – and that was showing physical product in a real-life situation,” comments Nicola. “Real women use Bodyform products, so we wanted to ensure our advertising reflected this.”
The new ad highlights the benefits of Bodyform Triple Protection Ultra Towels with SecureFit™, which are designed to stay in place whatever women get up to.
Whether it’s swinging from a Trapeze or putting in a 9-hour day at the office, their antileak walls, fast-absorbing core and all-round barriers offer Triple Protection against leaks for complete confidence.
‘Trapeze’ will be running on TV and will also join the Red.Fit feature film in cinema until October 24, reaching more than 1.6 million women aged 16-34 nationwide. This will run alongside a sampling campaign on Facebook calling for consumers to trial the product and leave a review.
Watch the new ad here: https://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=UCa-4HPHncc Bodyform, manufactured by leading global hygiene company SCA, is currently worth £29 million and is the fastest growing UK feminine protection brand in strong growth at +9%*.
*YOY Value, IRI to June 2016
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