WM – What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
Developing people and seeing grow through mentoring and training to become a more all round leader.

WM – Who’s inspired you most in your career?
My female managers and female colleagues – because they have been the most inspirational and I have seen qualities in them I want to replicate as leader.
WM – If you were an item in a cash & carry, what would you be?
Strawberry for no particular reason.
WM – If you had to do it all over again, what would you do different?
Work harder at school and I would have set clearer goals with more defined timelines.
WM –What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at work?
A boss once asked me to show him on the map where Italy was and my geography is appalling. So I confidently strode up to the board where the map was being presented, and pointed to Norway!
WM –Who or what makes you laugh?
My kids make me laugh the most with their throw away comments and questions.
WM – Do you have any hidden talents?
I can milk a cow.
WM –Who would be your favourite party guest?
Margaret Thatcher.
WM – What is the greatest luxury in your life?
My cleaner.
WM –What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
Hmmmm, it’s got to be chocolate. I try to resist but sometimes, I just can’t help myself.
WM – Do you have any secret ambitions?
Other than to retire and sail around the world? I do have a secret ambition to learn to drive a lorry and be a lorry driver (if only for a day).
WM –What’s your dream holiday destination?
Grand Caymen, it’s beautiful and has lots of nice bars and restaurants. And I love food and drink.
WM – What are your three favourite movies of all time?
Calamity Jane, The Wizard of Oz and Love Actually.
WM –What is your favourite book of all time?
I don’t necessarily have a favourite book but my favourite author is Patricia Cornwell as I love Kay Scarpetta, the heroine in the books.
WM –What’s your favourite pastime?
I love spending time with my family at home in the 400 year old house we have spent the last 20 years renovating.
WM – If you won the Lottery, what would you do?
I would give as much of it away to charity as I could, once I had been away on a holiday with the family, paid my mortgage off and spoilt my children.
WM – What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into this industry (apart from “don’t do it”)?
The security industry is a very satisfying industry to work in. It’s very professional, it can allow you to grow as an individual and a leader and it’s certainly exciting currently with new innovative technologies on offer and so many new solutions and competitors entering the market.
ADT is the UK’s leading provider of fire, security and life safety systems for homes and businesses, offering 24/7 monitored burglar alarms, the latest smart security and lifestyle technology, CCTV systems, monitored smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and more. Protecting homes and businesses across the UK & Ireland for over 150 years, it provides over 400,000 residential and small to medium business customers with round the clock protection, detection and peace of mind, keeping people, homes, business property and assets safe.
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