Employee-owned Kite Packaging have not only smashed their 2019 target to cut down their use of plastics, they have hit the target early. Kite’s ‘120 tonne challenge’ was achieved within seven months, with a 138 tonnes reduction.

The focus on plastic reduction saw Kite increase its environmental product range and launch their Mobile Test facility Unit, which has been travelling the UK with Kite’s packaging experts on board to advise businesses on the most waste minimising and efficient packaging solutions. The reduction also led to Kite no longer sending out direct mailings in polythene mailing bags and carrying out an ongoing review of its distribution process to minimise plastic wrapping around products.

Kite has launched a guide explaining how it achieved the 138-tonne reduction and advising what packaging products businesses can use to reduce their own plastic usage by simply reducing, re-using, recycling or replacing current packaging enabling companies to improve their environmental status. For example, over 96 tonnes were saved by introducing high performance super strength stretch wrap, so reducing plastic by up to 50%. Encouraging an attitude of re-using, Kite showed how environmental and economical shredding machines can be. By turning cardboard waste into effective void fill material for inside packages, they offer a great alternative to traditional void fill such as bubble wrap while minimising waste.

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