That’s what MD, Tim Ryan, says about The Health Store’s implementation of BCP’s Accord® ERP solution and Voice WMS.
The Health Store is one of the UK’s leading wholesalers of natural and organic products to the independent health food trade, supplying retailers across the UK mainland, Ireland, Europe and into the Far East with products ranging from organic seeds, nuts and pulses, through to natural body care, vitamins and supplements, home care and pet care.
BCP (Business Computer Projects Ltd) is one of the UK’s top suppliers of specialist supply chain software to the wholesale industry and has been a leader in introducing Voice directed WMS to the UK market, installing the first wall-to-wall Voice WMS in the UK food and drink sector in 2002.
The 60 user system at the Health Store encompasses BCP’s complete Accord software suite – from Purchasing through Sales Order Processing to Financials, Manufacturing and Voice WMS. “It was the most seamless implementation of an ERP system I have ever seen,” says Ryan, “and Accord has really transformed our business, bringing us into the 21st century.”
The Accord system has allowed the Health Store to replace all their existing systems with one integrated system, making running the whole business far more straightforward.
Key benefits, according to Ryan, include data accuracy, visibility, scheduling and efficiency. Accord has improved accuracy throughout the business from goods receiving, to stock, through to picking accuracy, while visibility of data within the business is now much better. Accord has also transformed reporting in the company, “giving us fantastic ability to slice and dice data to show us exactly what we need to know about the business,” says Ryan. One of the biggest efficiency gains has been in Picking, where “we are now picking more orders with fewer pickers than we were before we implemented Accord,” explains Ryan.
Summing up, Ryan says: “We are delighted with the results and absolutely convinced we made the right decision in choosing Accord. It’s improving efficiency throughout the business, both in the offices and in the warehouse, and we can already see other opportunities to use functionality within Accord to further improve our business.”
Tel: 0161 355 3000
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