That’s what Health Store MD, Tim Ryan, says about the company’s implementation of BCP’s Accord® ERP solution and Voice WMS
The Health Store is one of the UK’s leading wholesalers of natural and organic products to the independent health food trade, supplying retailers across the UK mainland, Ireland, Europe and into the Far East with products ranging from organic seeds, nuts and pulses through to natural body care, vitamins and supplements.
The company was initially looking at Voice technology to improve pick accuracy, but as investigations progressed the need to also replace the company’s incumbent wholesale solution became clear.
Accord emerged as most suitable for the business as Tim Ryan, Health Store MD, explains: “BCP’s Accord® Voice WMS outclassed specialist stand-alone warehouse offerings and when we saw it working as part of a fully integrated Accord® ERP solution we realised we could replace all of our systems with one integrated system from BCP to make running the whole business far more straightforward.”
The 60 user system encompasses BCP’s complete Accord software suite from Purchasing through Sales Order Processing to Financials, Manufacturing and Voice WMS. “It was the most seamless implementation of an ERP system I’ve ever seen.” says Ryan, “Accord has transformed our business, bringing us into the 21st century.”
Key benefits, according to Ryan, include data accuracy, visibility, scheduling and efficiency. Accord has improved accuracy throughout the business from goods receiving, to stock through to picking where accuracy rates are now way above 99% and, says Ryan, “Those errors which do occur are usually simple human ones which are often unavoidable.” Retailers have commented upon how much more accurate orders are since the implementation of voice, claims have dropped by over 60% and levels of trust have skyrocketed.
Visibility of data within the business is now much better and Accord has transformed reporting, “giving us fantastic ability to slice and dice data to show us exactly what we need to know about the business,” says Ryan. One of the biggest efficiency gains has been in Picking, where “we are now picking more orders with fewer pickers than we were before we implemented Accord,” explains Ryan.
“We’re delighted with the results and absolutely convinced we made the right decision in choosing Accord,” says Ryan. “The investment was substantial, but it paid for itself within just 9 months. It’s improving efficiency throughout the business, both in the offices and in the warehouse, making our business – and those of our customers – much more competitive. Plus, it’s scalable, so we’re already seeing other opportunities to use it to further improve our business.”
Business Computer Projects Ltd
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