Alex Fisher, Group Managing Director, Bidvest 3663, recently addressed over 300 foodservice and hospitality industry colleagues on the key issues affecting the industry at Arena’s esteemed networking event, Arena’s Savoy Lecture 2014.
During his long career Alex has experienced and successfully embraced extensive industry changes. From food trends, sustainability and healthy eating through to technology and the economy, Alex and the business have moved with the times and more often than not stayed ahead of the game. His great insight, expertise and understanding of the ever-changing demands placed on the industry more than qualify him to take on the esteemed mantle of presenter of Arena’s Savoy Lecture.
An instrumental and influential figure in the evolution of Bidvest 3663 since its creation following Bidvest’s acquisition of Booker Foodservice in 1999, Alex has shaped the business into a formidable industry player.
The list of its notable, and often industry-leading, achievements with Alex in the driving seat is impressive and wide reaching. Naming just a few, it has enjoyed revenue growth of over £400m and explosive national account sector growth; features in the Sunday Times Best Companies List; was the first delivered wholesaler to secure the sustainability accreditation ISO 14001 in all depots; leads the market in reducing salt, sugar and fat within its own label range; boasts the UK foodservice’s best distribution network; delivered recognised excellent service to London 2012; and created foodservice’s first iPhone app in the UK.
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