Leading high security locking company Mul-T-Lock has launched a new intelligent padlock device to cost effectively secure assets and shipments here and now – and on the move.
Mul-T-Lock WatchLock® offers a high security intelligent padlock combined with GPS locating system and sim card based communication technologies to provide real time event and location information through email, text message or web based application.
Companies who operate commercial and service vehicles can use Mul-T-Lock WatchLock® to track the location and route of a vehicle at any time; to know when and where trunks or boxes with expensive equipment or high value goods in transit are opened.
Mul-T-Lock Managing Director, Steve Ross said: “Freight crime costs the UK economy £250million per year and with the continuing period of turbulence and uncertainty, opportunist attack is likely to increase.
“This places business security and resiliency alongside safety procedures as highly critical, whereby keeping goods secure and protecting valuable assets on a 365 / 24 / 7 basis, whether stationary or in transit will be the key to success.
“Mul-T-Lock WatchLock® was specifically designed as a direct solution to this challenge and offers greater efficiencies in cost savings and staff resourcing with the clever integration of few technologies into one easy to install and programme standalone, battery operated product.
“Whilst still holding the robust nature of a high security mechanical padlock, WatchLock utilises advances in GPS tracking technology to track the location at a predefined schedule or when any event is being sensed.”
“Mul-T-Lock WatchLock® has adopted the advances in cellular communication to allow real time reporting from any location. It is also supported with a secured server to offer personalised reports for every Mul-T-Lock WatchLock® and allow real time information about the padlock, whether it has been opened or closed, where and when.”
“Mul-T-Lock WatchLock® offers a powerful device in the form of an intelligent padlock that can cost effectively help secure assets and shipments as they travel through a distribution supply chain, with real time reports available throughout the journey. The revolutionary design allows you to always be ‘the first to know.’
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