IQOS innovative technology heats tobacco without burning, generating a nicotine containing vapour that yields on average less than 10% of the levels of harmful constituents found in cigarette smoke.
IQOS is the result of over a decade of research on a range of potentially reduced-risk alternatives to cigarettes conducted by more than 430 scientists and experts in PMI’s R&D facilities in Switzerland. Investment to date exceeds $3 billion.
Over one million cigarette smokers have already switched to IQOS since its initial pilot launch in Nagoya, Japan and Milan, Italy in 2014.
IQOS does not produce smoke or ash and the vapour has far less smell than cigarette smoke. It complements PMI’s portfolio of non-combustible alternatives to cigarettes in the UK which already includes e-cigarettes like Vivid and MESH by Nicocig. Philip Morris Limited (PM UK), a subsidiary of Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) has launched its innovative product, IQOS, in the UK with the opening of a store in central London. IQOS is an electronic device that heats specially designed tobacco sticks at temperatures well below combustion levels. As it heats but does not burn tobacco, IQOS generates no smoke or ash but a flavourful vapour containing nicotine, which does not adversely affect indoor air quality and produces less smell than cigarette smoke.
IQOS is the first of a range of potentially reduced-risk alternatives to cigarettes PMI has been working on for over a decade, investing over $3 billion in research and development. PMI’s research to date demonstrates that IQOS yields on average less than 10% of the levels of harmful constituents found in cigarette smoke*, while still providing consumers with real tobacco taste. The company is conducting extensive research to verify the risk-reduction potential of the product, including non-clinical and clinical studies. Four of these clinical studies demonstrated that in smokers who switched completely to IQOS for the duration of the study exposure to the studied toxicants was reduced to a level that is close to that of smokers who stopped smoking in the same studies.
Commenting on the research studies, PMI Director of Scientific Engagement, Dr Moira Gilchrist said:
“Our studies on IQOS are well advanced. Findings to date demonstrate that IQOS vapour has significantly lower levels of harmful constituents and that the product has appeal to adult smokers, whilst having negligible appeal to those who have quit smoking and those who have never smoked. The data to date clearly points in the direction of risk reduction. The scientific research is complemented by our early commercial experience where, in less than two years, more than one million adult smokers have stopped smoking, switching from cigarettes to IQOS.”
IQOS will initially be available to adult smokers at the newly-opened IQOS store on Wardour Street in Soho, Central London. This is a significant milestone for the company but represents only the initial stage. PM UK will be developing plans to distribute the product wider in 2017 and eventually nationwide.
The cost of an IQOS device for registered users will be £45; a single pack of 20 tobacco sticks, branded HEETS, will cost £8 (or £7 in a multi-pack format). HEETS come in three different variants – Amber, Yellow and Turquoise.
Commenting on the UK launch, Philip Morris UK and Ireland Managing Director, Martin Inkster said:
“The UK launch of IQOS marks a major milestone towards achieving our objective, in the UK and globally, to replace cigarettes with non-combustible alternatives to the benefit of adult smokers, our company and wider society. It is symbolic that we are opening our first IQOS store in central London, just around the corner from where Mr Philip Morris opened his first tobacco shop in 1847.”
“Our goal is to convert existing adult legal age smokers to these products and we have every intention of using today’s highly efficient distribution and retail networks once a meaningful consumer demand exists.”
PMI has already launched IQOS in more than ten countries including Japan, Italy and Switzerland and plans to expand to cities in 20 countries by the end of 2016 and up to 35 in 2017.
Philip Morris International (PMI) scientific studies on IQOS
PMI employs over 430 scientists, experts and staff whose responsibilities include conducting extensive studies to verify whether IQOS reduces risks of smoking related diseases compared to cigarette smoking. Studies are designed according to well-recognised practices of the pharmaceutical industry and in line with US Food and Drug Administration Guidance for MRTPs (Modified Risk Tobacco Products). They include laboratory research, clinical studies with adult smokers, and research to understand the potential benefits of the product for public health, including how smokers perceive the product’s risk and how they use the product in real-life conditions. Studies continue once the product is on the market. Key findings to date include the following:
- IQOS vapour contains on average 90-95% lower levels of harmful and potentially harmful constituents – excluding nicotine – compared to cigarette smoke from a reference cigarette designed for scientific research purposes.
- As measured in laboratory models, the vapour generated by IQOS is significantly less toxic than cigarette smoke.
- Smokers who switched completely to IQOS in two one-week and two three-month clinical studies reduced their exposure to 15 harmful constituents. Levels of reduced exposure approached those observed in people who stopped smoking for the duration of the studies.
- IQOS use does not adversely affect indoor air quality and IQOS is not a source of second-hand smoke.
Such results give confidence that PMI is on course with its plans to demonstrate that IQOS is a less harmful alternative for smokers who switch.
More information on IQOS can be found at
More information on PMI’s scientific research can be found at
About Philip Morris International:
Philip Morris International Inc. (PMI) is the leading international tobacco company, with six of the world’s top 15 international brands, including Marlboro, the number one cigarette brand worldwide. PMI’s products are sold in more than 180 markets. In addition PMI is engaged in the development and commercialisation of a range of products with the potential to reduce individual risk and population harm in comparison to smoking cigarettes (or RRPs – Reduced-Risk Products). Besides IQOS, PMI’s portfolio of non-combustible products includes the MESH and Vivid brands of its e-cigarette business Nicocigs Ltd, based in Birmingham. For more information, see
Philip Morris Limited:
Philip Morris Limited is the UK and Ireland affiliate of PMI. The company is responsible for the merchandising of PMI brands in the UK.
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