WM – What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
I consider myself lucky to work with people who are really passionate about the FMCG sector. The wide variety of clients we work with at LPR means that no two days are the same.
WM – Who’s inspired you most in your career?
It’s hard to pin down just one person. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate enough to work with some very knowledgeable, very talented individuals and I’ve definitely tried to emulate them through the ways in which I work and the processes I’ve put in place at LPR.
WM – If you were an item in a supermarket, what would you be?
As strange as it sounds, baked beans. They’re reliable and do exactly what it say on the tin!
WM – If you had to do it all over again, what would you do different?
Nothing. I like to think that our experiences in the past inform our future, so mistakes are pivotal to growing and developing professionally.
WM – What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at work?
Back in the early days of my career, I was working for a logistics company and accidentally filled a diesel car with petrol. It’s surprisingly easily done, but thankfully it’s not a mistake I’ve repeated!
WM – Who or what makes you laugh?
The comedian guaranteed to get me laughing whenever I watch him is Paul Merton, from Have I Got News For You?
WM – Do you have any hidden talents?
Not many people know that I can actually play the trombone. Having said that, I haven’t played it in a while so I don’t know how good I’d be now.
WM – Who would be your favourite party guest?
In terms of who I think would provide the best conversation over dinner, it would have to be Barack Obama.
WM – What is the greatest luxury in your life?
My home cinema, which helps feed my film habit.
WM – What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
I have a real soft-spot for cheesy 80s pop. Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart is a particular favourite!
WM – Do you have any secret ambitions?
I have a long-term interest in space and technology, so I’d love to one day travel to the moon. Failing that, I’d love to be a passenger on Richard Branson’s inaugural Virgin Space flight.
WM – What’s your dream holiday destination?
I’m lucky enough to have already visited mine – The Maldives. I’d love to return one day, it really is paradise on earth.
WM – What are your three favourite movies of all time?
In no particular order: Rocky II, The Godfather and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
WM – What is your favourite book of all time?
The novel that stayed with me the longest is Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell.
WM – What’s your favourite pastime?
When I do get spare time, I love to spend it with family and friends.
WM – If you won the Lottery, what would you do?
I’ve always fancied my own desert island (preferably in the Maldives), so if I came into a substantial amount of money I’d probably splash out on a private island. The sunnier, the better!
WM – What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into this industry?
Work hard but enjoy it and never stop learning. It’s a fascinating, fastevolving sector and I’d advise newcomers to absorb everything they can.
La Palette Rouge (LPR) – the red pallet people – is a pallet pooling specialist with 20 years’ experience in the FMCG sector. With its innovative pooling systems for pallets, its unique personal approach and its network of approximately 100 depots in eight countries, LPR has assumed a leading position in Europe. Handling almost 73 million pallets a year, it provides a full pallet service for all parts of the supply chain. Including manufacturers, distributors, processing partners and retailers.
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