Following its success in the UK market with all of the major grocery retailers – Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose – using its software, MICROS has been invited by several North American supermarkets to assist them in developing and protecting their own-brand products. The UK retail market is seen as an example of excellence in the development and protection of own-brand products with all of the leading supermarkets using MICROS’s Creations software to improve the speed and efficiency of their product development process.
Consumer trust and loyalty can be dramatically affected by a single food safety scare and a retailer’s speed and ability to respond is always under scrutiny. Growing regulative demands and consumer pressure to show greater information on the label, as well as compliance with industry and dietary trends, requires the retailer to have total visibility and control of its supply chain data.
Now demand in the US for own-brand food and beverage products has never been greater – its private label products market is growing by more than 30% per year and the need for fast and innovative product development that ensures safety and quality standards are always maintained is essential to its success.
Paul Woodward, Managing Director for MICROS Retail & Manufacturing Ltd says: “Over the last 10 years the UK has grown own-brand consumer goods to represent 48% of the market shelf and the US is following a similar curve. We launched Creations into the US market – which currently represents about 20% market shelf – to help retailers grow their own-brand sales through the use of innovative IT.”
Micros Retail & Manufacturing Ltd
Tel: 0115 971 4545
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