Welcome to the Autumn 2012 issue of Wholesale Manager, the magazine for the UK cash ‘n’ carry and delivered wholesale sector.
How has business been for you in 2012? The jury is still out on the value of extra sales that the UK cash ‘n’ carry and delivered wholesale sector enjoyed this year as a result of the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics, but all the signs are pointing in the right direction.
Picking up on this optimism in the economy as a whole, Sir Mervyn King, outgoing Governor of the Bank of England says he expects UK economic growth to rise during the final quarter of the year. So could we be seeing the light of recovery at last? And when recovery does come, what shape will the wholesale sector be in?
Whether you’re a delivered wholesaler or a cash ‘n’ carry, your warehouse needs to be well equipped and maintained. In our regular section on the Warehouse we have more stories on the latest equipment and solutions to help you get the best out of this essential part of your business. Among these, Hormann are reminding us about the importance of servicing industrial doors before winter comes, GNB Batteries is plugging the fork lift truck power gap with its new battery rental service, and Castell is raising the bar in loading bay efficiency and safety.
As the clocks go back and the weather gets colder, there’s no escaping the fact autumn is here. On the bright side October means we’re in the run in to Christmas and the party season. And the dark evenings make for great Big Nights In with friends and family. It all adds up to plenty of impulse purchases in the independent sector – and plenty of business for wholesalers and cash ‘n’ carries.
If you’re looking for sales occasions, Halloween and ?Bonfire Night, two big celebrations taking place in late October and early November, offer a much-needed excuse to have a party. Halloween (Wednesday 31?October) is the UK’s third biggest calendar event after Christmas and Easter, enjoyed by all ages. And Diwali is from Tuesday 13th to Saturday 17th November.
If we are going to see recovery, it’s a mixed blessing for wholesalers. Just a few years ago commentators like the IGD’s Patrick Mitchell-Fox saw a limited future for cash ’n’ carry wholesaling. Sector growth was restricted, at best, and the customer base was shrinking, while delivered wholesalers seemed to hold all the cards for growth. The cash ‘n’ carries have done well in the recession, but as the ground shifts in the recovery, the operators will have to strengthen their offer to keep the business won during the downturn. So it’s ‘game on’ in the contest for the still-lucrative market in the independent sector, in both retailing and catering – and plenty of opportunities for everyone to do well.
Have a successful autumn.
James Surridge,
Publishing Editor
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