BOOKS Plus, speciality charity retailer of Christian focus and general interest books and related materials, enhance the caring environment and service provided by hospitals for patients, visitors and staff with their chain of retail outlets, located in Cardiff, Gloucester and Norwich hospitals. As the company grew it became apparent that its existing DOS based till system was unsuitable for the management of the business so BOOKS Plus took the decision to look at the marketplace for a replacement solution. Although several companies were evaluated Cunninghams were selected as they were able to demonstrate the flexibility and adaptability of the Triquestra Infinity software and robustness and reliability of the Toshiba PoS hardware, enabling them to tailor a solution to meet the specific needs of BOOKS Plus.
The Triquestra/Toshiba solution has brought real time sales and stock transaction data resulting in greater stock reliability, accuracy and operational efficiencies. Management reporting allows detailed analysis of stock, facilitating categories to be easily broken down into departments and sub-departments, for example, different types of greeting cards, latest novels, and Christian titles. The software has also been tailored for BOOKS Plus’s specific requirements with the addition of an author field, essential for enhanced stock management.
Speaking about the management benefits, Sue Bevan Manager, said: “The Triquestra/Toshiba system means that we now have complete visibility of stock requirements, ensuring we don’t hold too much stock of any one product, and enabling us to offer a far greater and enhanced range of books and merchandise. No longer do we have to rely on our memories for key information, such as best selling titles or stock-in-hand, which is critical when meeting with sales reps.”
Sue continued: “The ease of use and reliability of the solution is vital for us as we have many volunteer workers who may only spend half a day each week helping out in store. The ability to colour code and customise screens and use hot-keys for non-barcoded items simplifies our training process and guarantees customers can be served quickly and efficiently.”
Prior to the installation of the new solution, the system was not capable of dealing with live delivery updates or multiple deliveries from suppliers, resulting in delays in uploading stock. With the Triquestra/Toshiba system in place, live deliveries are seamless and can be uploaded in real time, without interruption to the business or trading and also offering the ability to sell stock as soon as it arrives in store.
Commenting on the overall solution, Sue Bevan said: “In recommending and supplying the Toshiba/Triquestra solution, Cunninghams has delivered us an excellent solution tailored to meet our specific requirements, backed up with superb technical support, with the capability to grow as our business grows. We now have a reliable management system, resulting in business efficiencies. The new system is paying for itself.”
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