The British Beekeepers Association are delighted to announce that Eat Natural – makers of the popular fruit & nut bars and toasted mueslis based in the heart of the Essex countryside – are to become founding partner of the new, innovative and state-of-the-art bee monitoring project Build the Buzz.
Build the Buzz is a brand new, ground-breaking national scientific project utilising highly sensitive technological equipment to gather data from within the beehive – including temperature, hive humidity, brood temperature and hive acoustics – alongside the prevailing climatic conditions. The hive information and data is fed back to a central storage server with computer access for analysis. It will give beekeepers access to unprecedented data on bee behaviour and will become invaluable in the fight to save British bees.
Eat Natural believes that research into the British Honeybee and a greater understanding of its annual cycle is crucial to human survival; as pollinators the Honeybees are responsible for a third of the fruit and vegetables we eat in this country. Habitat loss, parasites and disease have combined to severely reduce the UK Honeybee population – and currently half of European countries have insufficient honeybees to pollinate their crops.
“BBKA is delighted to be working with Eat Natural as its founding partner for this ground-breaking initiative aiming to further understand the complex life of the Honeybee,” commented David Aston, BBKA President.
Praveen Vijh, co-founder of Eat Natural and a serious honey-lover, says, “Because we’re a very British company, our aim is to support the return of the very British art of Beekeeping. We believe in ‘impact investment’ – helping to fund a campaign to help genuinely make a difference. Honey is the heart of our business and so when we found out about the Build the Buzz campaign we just had to get involved. We are thrilled to be supporting such exciting technology. So we’ll be busy as bees to get more people around the British Isles keeping and maintaining bees, so that bee numbers go up along with honey production. It’s a hugely important project for British bees, British honey, and British business.”
Data obtained from the Build the Buzz project will be analysed with the aim of assisting in the research and development of practical solutions to support beekeepers in maintaining a healthy Honeybee population.
British Beekeepers Association (BBKA)
Build the Buzz
Jane Moseley
Tel: 07818 003592
Eat Natural
01787 479 123
Web: Twitter: @eatnaturalbars
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