Last week, Fairway Foodservice held its first MTM event of the year, at Eastwood Hall, Nottingham – a new venue for 2024. Over 150 people attended the two-day event, on the 6th and 7th of February, with 40 suppliers sharing new product innovations, trend insights and unique deals with Fairway’s members.

“The Fairway MTM is a fantastic opportunity for our members to meet face to face with suppliers, take advantage of exclusive deals, and of course find out more about how Fairway can support them, too,” said Richard Ellison, Fairway Event Organiser.

“This year we had a new venue, with superb facilities, making the whole event seamless and enjoyable for all.”

With long-standing suppliers in attendance, such as Premier Foods, Unilever, Lamb Weston, and Allied Bakery, to premium brands such as Waffelmeister, the event provided the perfect opportunity for members to strengthen relationships and foster new ones, with the support of the Fairway Foodservice team.

“The event enabled us to meet members and build new relationships. We have been able to understand the members’ needs and wants, and can now take this away to strengthen our support in the future,” said Gianna Regonini, from Kellogg’s.

New Fairway Foodservice member, Alex George of West Country, said: “As a new Fairway member, this event was a great way for me to meet everyone. It’s a very welcoming and friendly atmosphere, which makes the whole experience more enjoyable.”

Echoing George, long-term member Gareth Wilson, Managing Director of Miller Foodservice, said: “There’s always a real ‘family vibe’ at the Fairway events. They’re a great opportunity for everyone to get together, network and share ideas for future growth.”

At the event it was announced that current Purchasing Manager at Fairway Foodservice, Troy McKee has been promoted to Purchasing Director, taking over from Steven Jeavons, who has moved into another role. McKee will be joined by newly appointed Adam Williamson, as Purchasing Manager, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with him.

“The expansion of the team is the first step in implementing our new purchasing structure and strategy, to bring members more support, guidance, and of course great products. This is one of the reasons we hold these events throughout the year, as they enable us to meet both suppliers and members, and find out exactly what they need,” said Troy McKee, Purchasing Director.

In support of Fairway’s sustainability initiatives, food waste and hunger charity FareShare also attended the MTM: “Fareshare brings food to those who need it, by taking surplus products and giving them to a new home. Trade shows like this are vital for us as we’re able to get the infants of so many people and show them what they can do with surplus, wasted products – if they aren’t already ensuring they are given a second life,” said Hillary Nithsdale, Commercial Manager at FareShare.

At the end of the event, Nithsdale and her team collected any leftover goods and ensured they were redistributed to frontline charities.

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