An independent, guaranteed trade-only thermoforming service has been launched as a fast-response back-up for UK thermoformers caught out by sudden surges in demand for trays – for example for seasonal produce such as soft fruits and BBQ products. It is believed to be the UK’s only independent, ‘on demand’ sub-contract trade thermoforming facility. The service, available from packaging design, prototyping and tool-making specialist TDX, follows the company’s heavy investment in a Kiefel KMD85 Speedformer and the creation of a food compliant environment accredited to BRC/IOP standards at its multi-million pound Gateshead facility.
TDX Sales and Marketing Director Mark Prinn said: “We recently invested in our Kiefel KMD85 thermoforming machine to allow us to commission tools fully – enabling customers to hit the ground running with new tooling. This proved particularly important in our rapidly growing export markets.”
As a direct result of the investment, TDX began to receive requests from customers to use the machine as a source of additional capacity. This in turn led the company to include its thermoforming facility in the BRC/IOP accreditation process alongside the extrusion department. “We fully understand the pressures placed on our customers in dealing with peak seasonal demand and the commercial dangers in sub-contracting to competitors through necessity, so we now offer a 24/7 ‘safe house’ sub contract thermoforming facility fully accredited to food standards,” said Mark Prinn.
In order to meet customers’ expectations TDX has manned the machine 24/7 with experienced packers and technicians and also stocks a range of pallets, cases, liners and labels to ensure the fastest possible response time. Critically TDX can also complement this with in-house R-PET supply within 24 hours.
For more than eight years, TDX has been leading the field as an innovative independent pack design specialist, prototyping service and tool maker for the thermoforming industry. Its success has led to contracts in countries as far apart as Canada, Portugal, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Holland and India.
In addition to virgin A-PET, and as a direct response to the rapidly growing demand for high-recycled content food packaging, TDX is now also able to offer food grade R-PET with 90% recycled content comprising 50% ‘superclean’ post-consumer pellet and 40% high quality process recyclate.
TDX have set up a hotline for sub-contract thermoforming enquiries on 0191 440 7000.
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