With the increasing importance of running an environmentally friendly business, along with the everrising prices of industrial fuel and non-renewable energy, there has never been a better time to go green with your industrial machinery.
While electrical lifting and handling equipment was once a much less powerful option, machinery running on this type of energy is now just as effective, if not more so, than its fossil fuel-powered counterpart.
Equally, powering equipment via electrical energy is a much less expensive operation, as no extra expense is incurred from buying and storing fuel, and disposing of fuel containers appropriately. All the energy you need comes from a regular 3- prong plug socket that sits neatly on your wall.
The encouragement to start using cleaner energy in warehouses and factories is industry-wide. This is due to the harmful emissions that fossil fuels produce, as well as additional issues such as noise pollution and the greater rate of depreciation in fuelpowered equipment.
Material handling specialists Impact Handling recently won the FLTA Environmental Award for Excellence in recognition of the CarerZ80H electric forklift truck. This environmentally friendly truck features reduced levels of vibration and noise as well as low energy consumption.
As it runs on electrical energy, the machine is cheaper to run to start with. Additionally, as it is more economic in its use of energy than most other forklifts on the market, you will save even more money by using a lower amount of electrical energy to power it.
From a practical perspective, an electric forklift truck is much simpler to operate. It doesn’t produce thick gases from its exhaust, so ventilation in factories and warehouses is no longer as great of an issue. As well as being harmful to the environment, fuel emissions also pose an immediate risk to your staff. Inhaling these harmful gases can cause long-term health issues for your employees, which you could be financially liable for in the future.
In addition, the truck is powered overnight by plugging it into to the mains. This eliminates the need to keep manually refuelling your trucks, which someone will need to be trained to do. It also takes away the risk of fuel spillages, fuel becoming damaged while in storage, and the need to dispose of any waste materials.
Choosing electrical handling equipment will decrease your running costs, help the environment and ensure you have safe, happy workers in your business.
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