Family bread brand Kingsmill, is partnering with Aardman Animations this Easter to celebrate the DVD release of Wallace & Gromit’s ‘A Matter of Loaf and Death’.
Kingsmill’s token collect on-pack promotion is set to hit shelves from 23rd March. The on-pack activity will span the Kingsmill Great Everyday, Love to Toast and Crusts Away sub-brands, as well as the Kingsmill Tasty Wholemeal, 50/50 and Soft White Rolls and Kingsmill Love to Toast Crumpets, Muffins and Pancakes.
Kingsmill’s Easter promotion will run across 60 million packs and offer consumers the chance to win a range of exclusive branded Collectables, which include the limited edition Kingsmill ‘turbo-matic toast rack’ (see image above). The promotion is easy to enter, requiring consumers to simply collect the on-pack tokens and mail them to Kingsmill in order to redeem the collectables range.
Commenting on the partnership with Wallace & Gromit, Kingsmill Marketing Controller Michael Harris says, “We’re delighted with the Wallace & Gromit on-pack promotion for Easter. The artwork gives Kingsmill real stand-out on-shelf, driving differentiation and reinforcing Kingsmill’s fun, modern take on family life. The Collectibles range which is up for grabs, really works well with the personality of our brand, providing strong family appeal with underlying practicality – we anticipate the wind-up toast rack will become a true family favourite!
“Following a successful partnership with Wallace & Gromit at Christmas, we are making the Easter activity bigger and better, to extend consumer exposure.”
Wallace and Gromit’s new half hour DVD adventure, A Matter of Loaf and Death, witnesses the duo open a new bakery business – Top Bun – but a deadly murderer is targeting all the bakers in town. Wallace couldn’t care – he’s found true love in the shape of Piella Bakewell, former star of the Bake-O-Lite bread commercials. Can Gromit discover the identity of the Cereal Killer before Wallace becomes the next victim?
For further information on the prizes consumers will be able to visit the refreshed micro site – The Kingsmill Easter activity will also encompass a widespread national and regional PR campaign.
Kingsmill bread is available from all major supermarkets and retail outlets and baked with no artificial preservatives or flavours.
For more information, check out our website,
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