KP Snacks today announces the expansion of its market leading PMP range with the launch of two new SKUs: KP Mini Chips Salt & Vinegar £1.25 PMP (60g) and KP Mini Chips Beef £1.25 PMP (60g). Rolling out into stores from mid-February, the launch combines the hugely popular PMP format and classic KP Mini Chips brand, creating a sense of nostalgia and excitement for shoppers whilst driving sales for retailers. To enhance the brand’s appeal, the KP Mini Chips range has undergone a modern packaging update.

The new product launch has been announced alongside a range and pricing restructure for the KP Snacks PMP portfolio. With 45 PMP SKUs, the portfolio delivers a wide range of options at a variety of prices, to suit all budgets and occasions. The smaller format PMP portfolio features Space Raiders, the UK’s number one best value brand, in 40p PMPs, alongside classic heritage favourites including Discos, Skips and Wheat Crunchies, available from 50p, and popular family choices including Hula Hoops core range and Pom Bear in 65p PMPs. Meanwhile, Hula Hoops Big Hoops BBQ Beef remains the best-selling PMP on the market, offering consumers excellent value at £1.25 for a 70g pack.

Worth over £293m[1], PMPs continue to be a strong and popular format in the CSN category, with 54% of snack shoppers purchasing PMPs (more than any other category)[2].

Matt Collins, Trading Director at KP Snacks, says, “With inflation biting, the role of PMPs in Wholesale & Independent Convenience Retail will continue to grow in popularity and importance, demonstrating value to customers in these challenging times. At KP Snacks, we are committed to continuing to expand our extensive PMP portfolio with the right brands, flavours and great value price points to bolster sales for our trade partners. With the evolution to our PMP portfolio, we can continue to offer compelling and appropriate shared margins on our price-marked packs, whilst supporting new key PMP price points across our range including £1.25”.

[1] Nielsen IQ, Total Coverage, Total PMPs Value, MAT 03.12.22

[2] Lumina 09.01.22

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