As children return to school this week, the nation’s favourite decongestant oil, Olbas, has launched a new campaign to support parents in preparing for the inevitable wave of sniffles and colds that often accompany the return to school. This initiative is part of a series of campaigns from Olbas this autumn and winter season, designed to promote their comprehensive range of congestion relief products. 

Recent research commissioned by Olbas has highlighted the challenges faced by parents during this period. Nearly two-thirds (65 per cent) of parents expect their children to miss school within the first month due to illness,ii with 42 per cent of parents needing to take time off work to care for sick children.2 The research underscores the importance of preparation, as over half (55 per cent) of parents express concern about their children bringing illnesses home from school, potentially affecting the entire family.

As the back to school season commences, ensuring retailers’ and pharmacies’ shelves are stocked with trusted health and wellness products is more important than ever. Decongestants are seeing a year-on-year growthiii highlighting the demand for these types of OTC products to be readily available in retailers and pharmacies. By stocking up on these OTC essentials customer’s needs will be met during the busy back to school season and ensure they keep returning as we approach winter.

Dr Roger Henderson, family GP and spokesperson for Olbas, said: “Siblings may be more prone to catching something off their brother or sister if they play together, share toys or sleep in the same room. This means that two or more children may have colds and sniffles at the same time which can have implications for the parents if one becomes unwell and has to stay at home, with the parent taking time off work to look after them. Children in a family may then get into a ‘rolling roadblock’ or ‘domino effect’ of repeated colds being passed between them over many weeks.

Retailers and pharmacies should ensure that cold relief products, such as decongestant oils, are a key part of their offering as children return to school. This gives retailers and pharmacies an opportunity to help prepare parents, by shifting their behaviour from distress to planned purchasing, and encourage them to stock up on OTC products they know and trust before the sniffles hit.”  

Rachel Anthony, Brand Manager for Olbas, commented: “As the UK’s children return to classrooms, our new insights reveal that getting kids ‘back to school’ isn’t always plain sailing. Without the right level of preparation, it can be quite disruptive. We’re committed to helping retailers provide families with the tools they need to manage the inevitable sniffles and colds that come with this season.”

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