WM – What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
Working for a company that challenges the norm means I get to share the really innovative new products we develop with the trade. It’s always satisfying seeing them on shelf from the UK to places like Argentina and Australia. It’s amazing to see how far and wide our products go!
WM –Who’s inspired you most in your career?
Not one single person but I’m always inspired by successful start up stories. I love hearing how brands were built from the ground up which always gives me great motivation in my day to day. The ones that stand out for me are Innocent and more recently Deliveroo, it’s hard to believe they only started in 2013. Great examples of entrepreneurship!
WM – If you were an item in a wholesaler’s stock list, what would you be?
Something refreshing so maybe a Rebel Kitchen Organic Coconut Water.
WM – If you had to do it all over again, what would you do different?
If I could go back and give myself advice I would have gone straight into working for a SME. The world of big faceless corporations isn’t for me.
WM –What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at work?
Stacking it during a sports day sack race. My ankle… and pride, definitely felt it the next day.
WM – Who or what makes you laugh?
Larry David, the creator of Curb Your Enthusiasm – I think he’s the funniest man on the planet.
WM – Do you have any hidden talents?
Amateur carpentry – emphasis on the amateur. I tried my hand at building a chair out of a pallet. It sort-of worked, the comfort levels could do with some work!
WM –Who would be your favourite party guest?
Usain Bolt or Barry from Eastenders. Either would do.
WM –What is the greatest luxury in your life?
It’s a luxury to be able to plan and do a lot of the things I want to do and I know that’s not always the case for people, it’s never lost on me how lucky I am.
WM –What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
Reading Liam Gallagher Tweets; he writes exactly how he speaks and he’s a fellow Mancunian.
WM – Do you have any secret ambitions?
Yeah but they’re a secret duhh.
WM –What’s your dream holiday destination?
At the moment anywhere in South America – Peru, Colombia, Argentina.
WM –What are your three favourite movies of all time?
Groundhog Day, The Lion King and Trainspotting.
WM –What is your favourite book of all time?
The Story of The Streets – Mike Skinner.
WM – What’s your favourite pastime?
I love eating out, I live in London and there are so many amazing restaurants that I’ve been to and so many more I want to go. I can never get through my list, new ones keep opening that I have to try!
WM – If you won the Lottery, what would you do?
Take everyone on holiday including all the readers of Wholesale Magazine.
WM –What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into this industry (apart from “don’t do it”)?
Think about how passionate you are about the food and drink sector and what interests you. If you can combine work with interests, it’s never a chore and you’re going to smash it.
Rebel Kitchen makes coconut mylks, yogurts and waters that are always 100% organic and contain no refined sugars, emulsifiers or stabilisers.
Rebel Kitchen is striving to change our approach to health – what constitutes health, the way food is made and how businesses operate within the food space. It’s a different kind of health message – one that doesn’t separate the individual from the whole, and one that is based on actions instead of preaching.
Rebel Kitchen launched in 2014 and are now stocked in over 20 global territories including the USA, Australia, New Zealand, China, Holland & Germany. National retailers that stock Rebel Kitchen include Waitrose, Ocado, Tesco and Whole Foods Market.
To take part in Quote Unquote please call: 01923 272960 or email: mail@wholesalemanager.co.uk
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