Vaper Expo UK hosted at the NEC, Birmingham is pleased to announce that it has been classified as an officially recognised International Show by the Global Vaping Association.
This designation included passing a certification process as well as an interview by the GVA. Lee Skelding of the Vaper Expo states, “We are pleased to have gained this classification for our event within our Industry. Vaper Expo is the first UK, and only show to date to meet all the requirements to acquire this classification. We hope that it will help generate more understanding between our exhibitors, brand owners, trade visitors and the worldwide vaping industry. We are a region rich in potential despite current legislation that is being planned within article 20 of the TPD. By acquiring this classification we are proud to be taking all steps necessary to conform to a professional standard and help lead the way for a responsible vaping industry”.
Mr. Dodge, the General Secretary of the Global Vaping Association added, “The United Kingdom is a world leader in helping develop the overall market for Vaping products and we are most pleased that the good people at Vaper Expo can provide an environment for both National and International Brands to come to the UK and know that they have a strong partner. I had the pleasure of speaking with the Organizers during our selection process and was pleased by not only what they can and will provide the exhibitors but how they interact with the local and national regulatory people in insuring a safe and informative show. I am very happy that I was selected to also speak at their Business to Business Conference which will be held on the B2B day.”
James Cox of the Vaper Expo also added “With many business owners within our industry worried of the implication that the TPD (Tobacco Products Directive) coming into effect of May 2016 we are proud to be leading the way and showing the powers of the EU that the vaping industry is professionally run and has implemented its own set of standards that we feel businesses should adhere to. Smoking is one of the biggest killers, we now have an alternative to smoking that has recently been classed as 95% safer by the Public Health England (PHE). There seems to be a lot of corruption from the media and the big tobacco companies but with recent research and studies proving that vaping is possibly the best smoking cessation, it will ultimately lead to saving millions of lives”.
The review published by the Public Health England (PHE) concludes that e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful to health than tobacco and have the potential to help smokers quit smoking.
Key findings of the review include:
• the current best estimate is that e-cigarettes are around 95% less harmful than smoking
• nearly half the population (44.8%) don’t realise ecigarettes are much less harmful than smoking
• there is no evidence so far that e-cigarettes are acting as a route into smoking for children or non-smokers
The review, commissioned by PHE and led by Professor Ann McNeill (King’s College London) and Professor Peter Hajek (Queen Mary University of London), suggests that e-cigarettes may be contributing to falling smoking rates among adults and young people.
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