David Hughes at Business Computer Projects (BCP) outlines below how this innovative warehouse management solution can increase your profits and drive down your operational costs.
1. Save money by eliminating costly errors
An estimated 134 picking errors happen every week in a warehouse meaning the average wholesaler loses over £350,000 per year. A Voice WMS eliminates shortpicks, miss-picks and over-picks which are common during manual processing. It also reduces the cost of downstream returns management, credits and complaints.
2. Safeguard customer loyalty with increased accuracy
Inaccurate picking and delivery are also costly and detrimental to your customer service levels. Over time, BCP has seen many wholesalers waste money on more deliveries to fulfil incorrect orders. If this happens frequently, customers will look elsewhere.
3. Reduce the amount of money tied up in stock with real-time traceability
Having incorrect stock information can lead to over-ordering and unnecessary waste. It can also lead to under-ordering, leaving the warehouse unable to fulfil the latest orders. With Voice WMS you can cross-reference goods received with purchase orders in real-time and identify any discrepancies immediately. This means all warehouse activity, from goods received through to delivery, is time and date stamped for total traceability.
4. Increase profits by improving productivity
Many warehouses still have inefficient manual and labour intensive processes. There is frequently no common route taken to pick items, causing delays and potential duplication of work effort. With Voice WMS, you can maximise your workforce efficiency so you can process more orders. As Brexit looms and concerns about staff availability continue, this is the perfect solution.
5. Improve cash flow by cutting administration burdens
The use of paper lists and associated tasks, such as printing and distributing lists or re-keying information, is time-consuming and unnecessary. A Voice WMS simplifies and streamlines these processes so that reporting and invoicing is faster.
As one of the longest-standing software suppliers to the industry, BCP knows how essential Warehouse Management Systems are. They have been helping wholesale distributors increase productivity and efficiency for over 40 years, and understand the challenges businesses face.
What’s unique about their Accord Voice WMS is that it’s an industryspecific, wall-to-wall warehouse solution. Carefully designed to solve the major issues throughout the supply chain.
To find out more about Accord Voice WMS and the benefits it could bring to your business, please contact David Hughes on 0161 355 3000. www.bcpsoftware.com
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