Six new emojis aim to break down taboos and help girls and women to talk about their periods
Following the success of its Live Fearless campaign, which encourages and inspires women to be confident and daring in how they approach life, Bodyform is continuing to challenge category stereotypes with a new global campaign that calls for period emojis, or ‘femojis’, to be added to the official Unicode keyboard.
With recent research revealing that up to half (45%) of UK women and girls find it difficult to talk about their periods with friends and family, the campaign aims to transform the consumer mind-set when it comes to feminine protection by helping women to overcome the social barrier of discussing their periods.
What’s more, with emojis quickly becoming the fastest growing form of language in history and 4 out of 5 UK women and girls admitting they find emojis a useful way to express their feelings*, femojis are the perfect medium to generate conversation around this potentially uncomfortable subject matter.
To tackle this head on, the six new femojis, which include icons to depict pads and periods as well as cramps, PMS, spots and bloating, enable women to express their thoughts and feelings in a more practical and engaging medium – reducing embarrassment, anxiety and lack of confidence when it comes to broaching the subject of menstruation.
Bodyform will launch its disruptive campaign with a call to action, inviting consumers to sign up to a petition to encourage Unicode to include six new femojis on the emoji keyboard to help girls and women talk more openly about their periods.
Housed on, the petition aims to drive participation and motivate positive change – encouraging consumers to think differently about menstruation and the feminine protection market.
The petition goes live today and you can sign it here:
Bodyform will also be driving conversation on social media via Facebook and Twitter using the dedicated hashtag #Femojis.
Nicola Coronado, Marketing Director at Bodyform said: “Menstruation is a totally natural process – but we have all felt a bit shy about discussing it. There are currently 1620 emojis on the current Unicode keyboard, but for the important things in life, like our periods, there is no way to express ourselves in this new universal language. We want to change this, which is why we’ve launched the petition and would encourage everybody who has ever felt awkward talking about periods to sign it!”
Bodyform, manufactured by leading global hygiene company SCA, is currently worth £28.2 million and is the fastest growing UK feminine protection brand in strong growth at +16.3%**.
Bodyform markets a range of feminine protection products which are widely available in all major supermarkets and independent retailers.
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