FSDF member, Brakes, had one of its fleet ‘Cart marked’ at the annual Cart marking ceremony, organised by the Worshipful Company of Carmen, one of the City of London Livery Companies.
This historic event, second only to the Lord Mayor’s Show, is held in the Guildhall Yard in the City of London, and dates back to 1665. It celebrates the ceremony of ‘Cart Marking’ which means that cart/transport operators with the current ‘mark’ can ply their trade in the City during that year, after paying the princely fee of 2/6d.
Around 50 vehicles of all ages and types are brought for the Master Carman and Lord Mayor to inspect. The Master then brands a wooden block mounted on the vehicle, using a special brazier and gloves provided by the Glovers’ Company. The duties of Keeper are shared between the Lord Mayor, and the Master Carman. The Lord Mayor, Sheriff, Master Carman and Wardens then doff their caps as each vehicle passes the rostrum. Carmen, also referred to as ‘drivers of Carts’, are members of one of the oldest transport institutions, which has been in existence since 1277.
Chris Sturman, CEO of the FSDF, is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Carmen, and it was his mark that was branded. He was joined at the event by Garry Tilburn, FSDF President, Paul Vernon from Brakes Fleet Management team along with Dales Cornes, Alan Balkam, Chris Brophy, John Winter and Mike Stone from Frigoblock.
The Brakes vehicle was a factory fresh three axle Mercedes Benz Axor 25:29 fitted with a multi temperature Solomon body and Frigoblock refrigeration. The vehicle then entered service later in the day, operating from the new Brakes distribution hub at Reading.
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