A year and half ago, no one could have predicted the onset of a recession on the scale we are now facing. But on the positive side, the tough climate has brought with it some very interesting technological developments.
Among these, adoption of technologies that enhance business performance is accelerating as companies of all sizes seek further efficiency, productivity and service improvements. Very often it is the supply chain that is in most need of transformation, and which delivers the fastest investment returns.
Adoption of voice directed solutions from Zetes, Europe’s leading provider of solutions for the automatic identification of goods and people, has been accelerating over the past 12 months. These systems link directly to the business’s WMS system and “speak” instructions to the warehouse operators responsible for order picking.
Voice systems have been in widespread use in Europe for over five years, but in the UK, the transition to voice is now gaining momentum. As the following case studies show, voice directed working offers similar benefits to companies of all sizes. Both SME customers like Faber Music Distribution, with a relatively small picking team working on a single site, are enjoying the same kind of payback as enterprise level users like Morrisons’ supermarkets, with a user base running into thousands of warehouse operators picking in multiple locations.
Based on Zetes’ direct experience, a voice solution delivers a payback after 6-13 months. In addition, warehouse pickers work 8-25% faster and achieve almost 100% accuracy.
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