Last year, global sales of e-cigarettes reached £1.3billion. Unlike tobacco products, these products can be freely advertised in Britain on TV, billboards and online. There are an estimated 1.2million users in the UK, and the numbers are growing daily. Tristan Okulus, Managing Director of INCIG, the UK’s favourite e-cigarettes brand, wants to help Britain’s wholesalers and cash ‘n’ carries share in this success story.
Tristan Okulus says: “There is no doubt that the electronic cigarette industry is evolving at a fantastic rate and there is increasing evidence to suggest that some, if not all products provide effective nicotine delivery. The market is still in its infancy and as more and more smokers are being introduced to e cigs, the earning potential is immense, but it’s vital for wholesalers and cash ‘n’ carries to stock the bestselling brands, including INCIG Shisha Pipes.”
Unlike the original e-cigarettes, which resembled traditional cigarettes, the INCIG Shisha pipe is slightly larger in size and requires the user to fill the tank system themselves with e liquids provided by INCIG. They have a greater battery capacity than the original ‘ecigs’, allowing for increased vaping time, which was previously a problem, and a common cause of complaint from users.
When the user inhales on the device, a sensor detects air flow and heats the liquid in the tank chamber so it evaporates the e liquid. The vapour delivers the nicotine to the user. There is no second hand toxic smoke, but some nicotine vapour is released into the air as the smoker exhales, which in turn, changes to water vapour.
E-cigarettes’ astonishing popularity is evident, with an 800 per cent increase recorded in 2013 in smokers using e-cigarettes to kick the habit. This has, to state the least, agitated the tobacco industry, whose sales fell eight per cent last year, and ultimately as a wholesaler, if you are not already stocking e-cigs, you may have suffered as a result.
E-cigarettes are set to be at the centre of one of this year’s hottest health debates. Are they a medical or a lifestyle product? The NHS has taken an upbeat stance: “Compared with regular cigarettes they are certainly the lesser of two evils,” its website states. “Smoking e-cigarettes is generally regarded as a safer alternative to smoking for those unable orunwilling to stop using nicotine.”
An unlikely supporter of e-cigarettes is public health charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). It believes “there is little evidence of harmful effects from repeated exposure to propylene glycol, the chemical in which nicotine – in e liquid bottles and cartridges – is suspended.”
Tristan Okulus concludes: “All publicity is good publicity, and the continuing debate will help push sales of e-cigarettes in your business, somake sure you offer your retail customers the full range of INCIG e-cigarettes and e-liquids.”
For more information please contact Incig on:
Tel: 0844 870 6753
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