Voltz Distribution UK has announced it has seen unprecedented take up of the ‘Voltz 5 hour energy shot’ health drink by wholesalers and retailers across the UK.
“Since securing the rights for exclusive UK distribution of the ‘Voltz 5 hour energy shot’ health drink – in May 2009, initial sales of the product have exploded,” confirms Rob Arnold, CEO, Voltz Distribution UK. “With numerous major retailers now stocking Voltz, and a full consumer advertising campaign backing the product, we are projecting sales before the end of 2009 to be more than eight times higher than originally anticipated.
Arnold puts the significant retail interest down to: “The fact that the product is so easy to store and doesn’t require refrigeration. The Voltz 5 hour energy shot can therefore be displayed on the counter and as a result, we are seeing great pull through from impulse purchasers. Retailers are also enjoying the excellent margins we are able to provide and so are keen to stock the product.
“The Voltz energy shot is also a completely different concept,” continues Arnold. “It is made up of a combination of B Vitamins, amino acid and anti-oxidants. The concentrated bottle of energy does not contain carbohydrates and only supplies two calories, giving the consumer an energy boost without the sugar and high concentrations of caffeine. We are seeing particular interest in the under 25 market but the appeal is broad due to the shot’s healthy properties.”
Wholesalers and multiple retail chains currently stocking the Voltz 5 hour energy shot include Turner & Wright, TJ Morris, Euro Garages, Snax 24 Ltd, VWT Distribution and regional outlets of Cost Cutter and Spa.
Voltz has a recommended retail price of just £1.79.
For further information and to order go to: www.voltzenergyshot.co.uk
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