From later this month, Scottish brewer Tennent Caledonian will be printing the UK Chief Medical Officers’ (CMOs’) updated weekly alcohol consumption guidelines onto cans of their flagship beer, Tennent’s Lager. Tennent’s will be the first alcohol brand in the UK to introduce the new weekly unit recommendations onto product packaging.
Revised in 2016, the latest guidelines state that adults should not regularly consume more than 14 units of alcohol per week.
The updated recommendations bring the number of weekly units level for both men and women, down from the previous 21 and 14 units respectively. In a report released by the Department for Health last year, the CMO also reiterated that alcohol packaging should direct consumers to the Drink Aware website and advise against drinking whilst pregnant or trying to conceive.
Printing the new guidelines is part of Tennent’s ongoing commitment to educating drinkers and promoting the responsible consumption of alcohol. The decision also comes almost a year after Tennent’s led the way by including calorie information onto their packaging.
Alan Hay, Sales Director at Tennent’s, said: “Responsible drinking is a key priority for Tennent’s and the C&C business.
As a trusted producer and owner of brands that are enjoyed by drinkers across Scotland and the UK, it’s vital we encourage the responsible consumption of alcohol. Including the latest weekly unit advice on our packaging was the logical next step following our decision to be the first alcohol business in the UK to display calorie content on our products in 2016.
“Consumers are increasingly more interested in their food and drink intake. We are a business committed to responsibility around our brands and believe it’s important to communicate this information so our drinkers can make informed decisions about their alcohol consumption.”
Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, Dr Catherine Calderwood, said: “The UK Chief Medical Officer guidelines give the public the latest and most up to date scientific information so that they can make informed decisions about their own drinking and understand the risks alcohol may pose to their health. I welcome moves from the industry to update their products with the new low risk drinking guidelines to help their customers make this informed choice. I would encourage all drinks manufacturers to follow Tennent’s lead and carry these guidelines on their labels.”
Tennent’s will begin displaying the new guidelines on 24 packs of 440ml, 500ml and 568ml cans of Tennent’s Lager. The updated cans will be available in supermarkets and shops across Scotland.
Tennent’s is part of C&C Goup plc, manufacturer of some of the UK’s leading drinks brands including Tennent’s Lager and Magners Cider in the UK and internationally. C&C will be rolling out the new CMO guidelines across its packaged portfolio in the UK over the next 12 months.
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