At Bibby we believe that cashflow should never hold your business back. And with all the trade fairs and exhibitions about to kick off early in the New Year, you shouldn’t have to worry about late payments stopping you from seizing opportunities.
By contacting us not only can you get a funding line of up to £8m in place before Christmas, but you’ll partner with a provider who has vast experience in dealing with different payment terms, languages, currencies and local customs.
As the market leader for wholesale finance, we understand the ins and outs of the industry. Whether it’s the terminology, contracts, or variations, we have an experienced team of experts ready to help you realise your ambitions for 2016.
“We work with businesses trading in over 100 countries and our global offices mean that you don’t ever have to worry about time zones. So get in touch and we’ll help your business get off to a flying start in 2016”.
Mark Lindsay
Managing Director at Bibby Trade Services and Bibby Factors International
Bibby Financial Services
Tel: 0808 159 0385
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