The nation’s No.1 flavoured milk brand YAZOO has this year donated 33,000 bottles of flavoured milk to 15 FareShare depots.
As the UK’s largest charity fighting hunger and food waste up and down the country. It saves over 13,500 tonnes of good surplus food from right across the food supply chain and redistribute it to nearly 7,000 charities and community groups across the UK via its 21 Regional Centres.
YAZOO has sent a range of formats and flavours to these charities to provide a nutritious snack as part of their services to people in need – such as children’s breakfast clubs, day clubs for older people, domestic violence refuges, homeless shelters and drug and alcohol rehab units.
Without the support from FareShare and brands like YAZOO 1 in 5 charities have said that they would have to shut down. Resulting in a knock on effect to communities.
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