‘Ignite your Business’ is a book that draws off three decades of business experience gained by Bidfood’s highly respected CEO, Andrew Selley.
Andrew has turned unprofitable businesses into profitable ones and doubled the profits of established businesses. He remains a celebrated voice within the hospitality sector, featured recently on BBC’s flagship Panorama and a familiar face on national news in his past role as Chair of the FWD as he tackled, (and gave collective voice), to the many issues facing the wholesale and foodservices sectors today.
With more than three decades of business experience, and with a passion to help leaders of other businesses exceed their goals, Andrew has looked to share his secrets to success, and give fascinating insight and advice as to how to lead your business to greatness.
‘Ignite Your Business’ is published by Terra Nova Business Services and copies are available to buy through Amazon, or on Kindle:
Andrew says:
“The book is for everyone in business, whether a CEO, a junior manager or a project team leader and whether you have a thousand staff, or three staff, it’s still relevant and it’s the book I would have wanted to read when I was setting out in the business world.
“Not only does it feature good aspects of business, but it also features mistakes and learnings that came from those mistakes, which has been critical to onward success.
“In today’s environment, more than ever, leaders are looking for that extra edge – that one per cent all-round difference that will separate them from the competition. To ignite that spark is incredibly exciting”.
Sir Ian Cheshire, Chairman of Barclays who reviewed ‘Ignite Your Business’ says:
“Ignite Your Business’ is all about delivering unbelievable change into a business, a project or a team. Andrew has used his extensive experience to write that rare thing – a practical business book! The clarity he offers is matched by a vivid storytelling approach to ensure the reader can then apply the insight for real. My advice – read, learn, and act!”
Not only has Sir Ian given the book five-star rating, but positive reviews include Sir Clive Woodward, and Craig Ballantyne.
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